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Explicit metacognition : the person-culture loop
vendredi 21 novembre 2014

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Conférence de Chris Frith dans le cadre des conférences Jean Nicod 2014 sur le thème "What makes us special ?"

Many neurodevelopmental disorders, in addition to autism, affect social communication, over and above other cognitive processes. Does this show that social communication is the most complex and hence most fragile of cognitive accomplishments that will show down-stream effects of interruptions that can happen during neural migration and/or pruning ? Not necessarily. Not all neuro-developmental disorders affect social interaction. Another possibility is that human beings at all ages are extremely sensitive, and consequently unforgiving, when detecting a failure of social abilities, and this might conceivably be a reason for the frequent diagnosis of social impairments. Already at a young age children can spot another child who does not attempt to conform.

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Chris Frith
University College London
Professor emeritus

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Cursus :

Christopher Donald Frith  est professeur émérite au Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging ( University College London) et professeur invité à l'université d'Aarhus au Danemark. Il a travaillé sur la caractérisation des bases cognitives de la schizophrénie et les processus de cognition.

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