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Mechanisms of Deep Earthquakes and Implications for Shallow Ones
mardi 20 septembre 2011

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The fundamental difference between earthquakes at depths shallower than 50 km and those deeper than that is that the former are generated by stresses exceeding static friction on existing faults (primarily) and the latter require a "fluid"-producing phase transformation to enable self-organization and failure initiation and to lubricate sliding. "Frictional" faulting is limited to the upper 30-70 km of Earth because of the normal stress dependence of friction and the increase of temperature with depth. Nevertheless, earthquakes occur to 700 km in subduction zones and stop abruptly at the base of the upper mantle. The "fluid" that enables instability at high pressure can be a true fluid or a polycrystalline solid if it is "superplastic" at seismic strain rates ( 100/second).

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Harry W. Green
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics/ Univ. of California

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Cursus :

Le professeur Harry W. Green dirige l'Institut de géophysique et de physique planétaire, il est également directeur  du département  des sciences de la terre à l'université de Californie, Riverside. USA.

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