Cursus :
Alexander Podossinov (born 1950) is Professor, chief research fellow in the centre „History of Eastern Europe in antiquity and Middle Ages“ of the Institute for General History of Russian Academy of Sciences; chief of the Department for classical languages in the historical Faculty of Moscow Lomonosow State University. President of the „Russian Association of teachers of classical languages“, member of EUROCLASSICA. Author of more than 400 scientific works, among which Ovids Dichtung als Quelle für die Geschichte des Schwarzmeergebiets (XENIA. Konstanzer althistorische Vortrage und Forschungen, 19), Konstanz, 1987; EX ORIENTE LUX! Ориентация по странам света в архаических культурах Евразии. М., 1999 (; Восточная Европа в римской картографической традиции. Тексты, перевод, комментарий, М., 2002 ; Куда плавал Одиссей? О географических представлениях греков архаической эпохи, М., 2015. Editor of The Periphery of the Classical World in Ancient Geography and Cartography, Leuven; Paris; Walpole, Ma, 2014.
Affiliation : Académie russe des sciences
Statut : Directeur de recherche