Cursus :
Konstantin Boshnakov has been teaching History of Ancient Civilizations at European and Canadian universities and colleges for more than twenty years. His research and publications relate to the historical geography of the Mediterranean world, Greek colonization and diplomatic interactions with non-Greeks, origins of Greek Historiography, Hellenistic Art. Selected monographs: Pseudo-Skymnos (Semos von Delos?) (= Palingenesia. Schriftenreihe für Klassische Altertumswissenschaften Bd. 82). Stuttgart 2004 ; Die Thraker südlich vom Balkan in den Geographika Strabos. Quellenkritische Untersuchungen (= Palingenesia. Schriftenreihe für Klassische Altertumswissenschaften Bd. 81). Wiesbaden 2003 ; Rulers of Ancient Europe (English, Bulgaria/Greek version), Sofia, 2003/2007.
Affiliation : Université de Toronto
Statut : Professeur