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Peter Molnar

Cursus :

Peter Molnar est un géophysicien et géomorphologue, professeur de géologie à l'université du Colorado à Boulder, et membre du CIRES (institut coopératif de recherche en science environnementale). Il obtient sa thèse de doctorat en sismologie à l'université Columbia en 1970.
Auteur ou co-auteur de plus de 150 articles, souvent très cité, il est une personnalité importante en sciences de la terre. Il se concentre actuellement principalement sur les relation qu'il existent entre géodynamique, (paléo)climat et érosion.

Publications :

Zhang, P.-Z., P. Molnar, and X.-w. Xu (2007), Late Quaternary and present-day rates of slip along
    the Altyn Tagh Fault, northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Tectonics, 26, TC5010, doi:10.1029/2006TC002014.
Garzione, C. N., P. Molnar, J. C. Libarkin, and B, MacFadden (2006), Rapid Late Miocene rise
    of the Bolivian Altiplano: Evidence for removal of mantle lithosphere, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 241, 543-556.
Garzione, C. N., P. Molnar, J. C. Libarkin, and B. J. MacFadden (2007),
    Rapid late Miocene rise of the Bolivian Altiplano: Evidence for removal of mantle lithosphere . Garzione et al. (2006), Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 241 (2006) 543-556, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259, 630-633.
Molnar, P., G. A. Houseman, and P. C. England (2006), Palaeo-altimetry of Tibet, Nature, 444, E4.
England, P., and P. Molnar (2005), Late Quaternary to decadal velocity fields in Asia, J. Geophys..
Brown, E. T., P. Molnar, and D. L. Bourlès (2005), Technical comment on Slip-rate measurements
    on the Karakorum Fault may imply secular variations in fault motion, Science, 309, 1326b.
Beavan, J., D. Matheson, P. Denys, M. Denham, T. Herring, B. Hager, and P. Molnar (2004),
    Jade, S., B. C. Bhatt, R. Bendick, V. K. Gaur, P. Molnar, M. B. Anand, and D. Kumar (2004),
    GPS measurements from the Ladakh Himalaya, India: Preliminary tests of plate-like or continuous deformation in Tibet, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.
Zhang, P.-Z., Z.-k. Shen, M. Wang, W.-j. Gan, R. Bürgmann, P. Molnar, Q. Wang, Z.-j. Niu, J.-z. Sun,
    J.-c. Wu, Sun Hanrong, and You Xinzhao (2004), Continuous deformation of the Tibetan Plateau from global positioning system data, Geology, 32, 809-812.
Thompson, S. C., R. J. Weldon, C. M. Rubin, K. Abdrakhmatov, P. Molnar, and G. W. Berger, Late
    Quaternary slip rates across the central Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan, central Asia, J. Geophysic, 2002.
Brown, E. T., R. Bendick, D. L. Bourlès, V. K. Gaur, P. Molnar, G. M. Raisbeck, and F. Yiou, Slip

Affiliation : University of Colorado at Boulder

Statut : Professeur de géologie

Liens :

   - University of Colorado at Boulder
   - Page personnelle de Peter Molnar à l'unversité du Colorado
   - Page personnelle de Peter Molnar au CIRES

Exposé(s) :
Mantle dynamics and mountain building : a case for convective instability of mantle lithosphere
Peter Molnar

"I ask three questions. (1) Under what conditions is mantle lithosphere sufficiently negatively buoyant that if perturbed, blobs of it sink into the asthenosphere? (2) Where it is unstable, what properties of the earth does the growth of such inst...
Mots-clés : Litosphère , Séminaire général du Département TAO