Cursus :
Les recherches de Akinobu Kuroda portent sur les études comparatives de l'histoire monétaire en Asie, Inde, Afrique et Europe. Il travaille spécifiquement sur l'histoire monétaire de la Chine. Dans ce cadre il dirige le projet "International cooperative research on the complementarity among monies caused by temporality, seasonality, and locality in making transactions". Il est docteur en économie de l'Université de Kyoto depuis 1995.
Publications :
The Eurasian silver century, 1276-1359: commensurability and multiplicity, Journal of Global History 4-2 (Cambridge UP, July 2009) pp.245-269
What is the complementarity among monies? : an introductory note, Financial History Review 15-1(Cambridge UP, Apr 2008) pp.7-15.
Currency circuits concurrent but non-integrable: complementary relationship among Monies in Modern China and Other Regions, Financial History Review 15-1(Apr 2008) pp.17-36.
The Maria Theresa dollar in the early twentieth-century Red Sea region: a complementary interface between multiple markets, Financial History Review 14-1 ( April 2007) pp 89-110
Kahei shisutemu no sekaishi (A Global History of Monetary System) Tokyo, Iwanami, 2003( translation in Korean by CHUNG Hye-jung published with Nonhyung, Seoul, in 2005 and in Chinese by HE Ping with China’s People UP, Beijing, in 2007)
Chuka teikoku no kozo to sekai keizai (Structure of the Chinese Empire and the World Economy) Nagoya, U of Nagoya P, 1994 (Awarded, 16th Suntory Academic Prise, 1994-12-05)
Affiliation : Université de Tokyo - Japon
Statut : Professeur à l'Institut des études avancées de l'Asie