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Dominique Jault

Cursus :

Dominique Jault est chercheur au CNRS. Il mène des recherches sur l’origine et les variations du champ magnétique de la Terre. 

Publications :

Gillet N., Jault D., Finlay C. C., Olsen N., Stochastic modeling of the Earth’s magnetic field : inversion for covariances over the observatory era, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14, 766-786, 2013

Schaeffer N., Jault D., Cardin Ph., Drouard M., On the reflection of Alfvèn waves and its implications for Earth’s core modeling, Geophys. J. Int., 191, 508-516, 2012

Gillet N., Schaeffer N., Jault D., Rationale and geophysical evidence for quasi-geostrophic dynamics within the Earth’s core, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 187, 380-390, 2011

Brito D., Alboussiere Th., Cardin Ph., Gagnière N., Jault D., La Rizza Ph., Masson J.-P., Nataf H.-C., Schmitt D. Zonal shear and super-rotation in a magnetized spherical Couette-flow experiment, Physical Review E, 83, 066310, 2011

Affiliation : CNRS

Statut : Chercheur - Enseignant-Chercheur

Exposé(s) :
Modèles MHD du noyau terrestre contraints par les observations récentes du champ magnétique terrestre – . Revue théorique
Dominique Jault

Until very recently, the inversion of geomagnetic field models for core surface flows has been treated as a purely kinematic problem, using the core surface radial field as a passive tracer for the flow. We will review this classical approac...
Mots-clés : Champ magnétique , géodynamique , géomagnétisme , noyau terrestre , planète , Terre