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Brentano on Will and Emotion
vendredi 13 février 2015

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Conférence de Uriah Kriegel dans le cadre du Séminaire « Emotions et volitions » coordonné par Natalie Depraz et Maria Gyemant.

A scientific theory of emotion should tell us everything that's true about emotion. A philosophical theory of emotion, in contrast, should restrict itself to that subset of truths about emotion which capture the nature or essence of emotion. Likewise for the will: a philosophical theory of it should inform us of the very nature of the will. Brentano offered philosophical theories of both will and emotion. As it turns out, however, for Brentano the deep nature of will and emotion is one and the same. For him, then, the two form a single natural kind of mental phenonmenon. In this talk, I offer an analytic reconstruction of Brentano's philosophical theories of emotion and the will and evaluate their plausibility.

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Uriah Kriegel
Institut Jean Nicod

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Cursus :

Uriah Kriegel est professeur et chercheur en philosophie à l'Institut Jean-Nicod (CNRS - EHESS -ENS)

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Dernière mise à jour : 07/04/2015