Exposé de Veronica Bucciantini lors du colloque "La mer Noire (4e-7e siècles apr. J.-C.) la fin du monde antique, début d’un ordre nouveau ? "
Organisateurs: Anca Dan (Paris), Hans-Joachim Gehrke (Fribourg-en-Brisgau / Berlin), Alexandr Podossinov (Moscou).
One Thousand Years of Greek Space Representations : Byzantine minor compilations of Pontic geography (Περίμετρος τοῦ Πόντου)
This paper offers some remarks about the mostly unknown Περίμετρος τοῦ Πόντου who survives in just one codex at the Royal Library of Copenhagen (Codex Hauniensis reg. ant. GkS 1985, 4° fol. 235), dated 14th/15th century. The focus is not only on the title and the reception of the text but also the contents of the Περίμετρος. It is possible to divide it into three parts: the first one with the Eratosthenical ἀναμέτρησις of the oikoumene, the second one with the distances of the Euxine Pontos, and the third one relating to measurements and equivalences.
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Cursus :
From 2013 Professor on contract of Greek History at the University of Florence. Since 2008 she is the Coordinator of the Project of Editing the Fragments of Ancient Geographers (FGrHist V). Her topics include: Ancient Historical Geography, Periplography and the representations of space in the historians of Alexander the Great.
Cliquer ICI pour fermerDernière mise à jour : 08/12/2015