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The Coastline of the Black Sea in Pseudo-Arrian’s
mardi 24 mars 2015

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Exposé de Klaus Geus et Irina Tupikova lors du colloque "La mer Noire (4e-7e siècles apr. J.-C.) la fin du monde antique, début d’un ordre nouveau ? "
Organisateurs: Anca Dan (Paris), Hans-Joachim Gehrke (Fribourg-en-Brisgau / Berlin), Alexandr Podossinov (Moscou).

The Coastline of the Black Sea in Pseudo-Arrian’s Periplus Ponti Euxini and Ptolemy’s Geography : a comparison

In recent studies, the present authors have proposed solutions for old problems concerning Ptolemy´s Geography. They all boil down to the fact that Ptolemy while converting terrestrial distances to spherical coordinates, used the wrong circumference of the earth. The far-reaching cartographical consequences of this error are explained in this paper using the example of the Black Sea. A trigonometrical recalculation of Ptolemy´s coordinates show that the data Ptolemy had as his disposal – mostly itineraria, among them also Arrian´s Periplus Ponti Euxini – were of excellent quality. The paper also gives a "best-fit" solution of Ptolemy´s toponyms and coordinates for the whole Black Sea coastline.

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Klaus Geus
Université Libre de Berlin

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Cursus :

Klaus Geus (*1962) is an ancient historian, philologist and geographer who works in the areas of ancient geography and astronomy. He has published 19 books and more than two hundred papers and articles. Geus’ most recent books are on mental models (“Common Sense Geography”) and Ptolemy ("Travelling along the Silk Road", with Irina Tupikova and Matthias Schemmel).

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Irina Tupikova
Université de Dresde

Plus sur cet auteur
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Dernière mise à jour : 10/12/2015