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Tribalism and Cosmopolitanism: Dilemma in Elizabeth Cook-Lynn’s Indigenous Criticism
mercredi 05 février 2020

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Conférence de CHEN Liang, professeur à l'Université de Fudan, invité en février 2020 du Programme gradué Translitterrae ENS-PSL.

Characterized by the nature of closure in traditional Native American tribalism, the criticism and writings of contemporary Native American literature have entered into a crucial stage of development in the multicultural context. In constructing native intellectualism, Elizabeth Cook-Lynn highlights native tribalism and calls for the cosmopolitanism centered on native ethnicity. This perspective provides her with closer view of traditional native culture. Yet, the over-emphasis on the political function of the writing leads to her ignorance of textualities in the contemporary native writing. Her adherence to traditional native tribalism encounters much inconsistences in the modern multicultural environment and lacks practical strategy in literary writing. Limited by the binary mode of early post-colonialism, her critical strategy is rather trapped in practice. The construction of Native American literary criticism and writings should be shifted to the native features in writing strategies and the construction of native critical theory with distinct native American perspectives.

Liang Chen
Université de Fudan
Professeur en littérature anglophone

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Liang CHEN est professeur en littérature anglophone à l'Université de Fudan.

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Dernière mise à jour : 24/08/2020