Exploring across the current frontiers of chemical sciences there is vast uncharted territory to experience the joy of discovery. Far beyond Nature’s design, the creative power of synthetic chemistry provides unlimited opportunities to realise our own molecular world as we experience every day with products ranging from drugs to displays that sustain modern society. In their practice of the art of building small, chemists have shown amazing success in the past decades but we also face the challenge of sustainability. Moving from molecules to dynamic molecular systems the fundamental challenge is how to control and exploit motion at the nanoscale.
In this presentation the focus is on my journey in the world of molecular switches and motors, the process of discovery and my personal experiences through my scientific career. In particular, I will address how fundamental questions and molecular beauty have guided me on this journey, with a special emphasis on the dynamics of functional molecular systems as well as triggering and assembly processes. We design switches and motors in which molecular motion is coupled to specific functions. For instance Photopharmacology offers fascinating opportunities to control biological function by light. Responsive behaviour will also be illustrated in self-assembly and materials with a focus on cooperative action, amplification along multiple length scales and 2D and 3D organised systems. The design, synthesis and functioning of rotary molecular motors and machines will be presented with a prospect toward future dynamic molecular systems and materials.
Conférence de Ben Feringa, professeur de l’Université de Groningen (Pays-Bas) et prix Nobel de chimie 2016, dans le cadre de l’édition 2023 de la Conférence Olivier Legrain Sciences et Société intitulée "Louis Pasteur à l’ENS : rencontre entre chimie et biologie"
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Cursus :
Ben Feringa est un chimiste néerlandais lauréat du prix Nobel de chimie en 2016, qu'il obtient pour ses travaux avec Jean-Pierre Sauvage et James Fraser Stoddart sur la conception et la synthèse de machines moléculaires.
Ben Feringa est professeur de l’Université de Groningen (Pays-Bas) et vice-Président de l’Académie Royale des Sciences des Pays-Bas. Ses travaux dans les domaines de la stéréochimie, la synthèse organique et de catalyse asymétrique sont largement reconnus au niveau international.
Il est également considéré comme le pionnier, et le leader mondial dans le domaine des machines moléculaires, en pleine émergence depuis 15 ans.
Dernière mise à jour : 10/03/2023