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The immense invisible world of ocean microbes
vendredi 20 janvier 2023

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The ocean is the largest ecosystem on Earth and yet we know very little about it. This is particularly true for the plankton that drift within, even though they form the base of marine food webs and are key players in Earth’s biogeochemical cycles. To increase our understanding of this underexplored world, a multidisciplinary consortium, Tara Oceans, was formed around the research schooner Tara, which sampled plankton at more than 210 sites and multiple depth layers in all the major oceanic regions from 2009 to 2013 with the aim to address microbial contributions to ecological and evolutionary processes by an eco-systems biology approach. The project, which collectively represent the largest DNA sequencing effort for the oceans, provides unique resources for mapping ocean biodiversity of a wide range of organisms that are rarely studied together, exploring their interactions, and integrating biology into our physico-chemical understanding of the ocean, as well as for identifying new organisms and genes of biotechnological interest. These resources, and the scientific innovations emerging to understand them, are furthermore critical towards developing baseline ecological context and predictive power needed to track the impact of climate change on the ocean.

Conférence de Chris Bowler, biologiste à lInstitut de biologie (IBENS) au département de biologie de l’ENS-PSL, dans le cadre de l’édition 2023 de la Conférence Olivier Legrain Sciences et Société intitulée "Louis Pasteur à l’ENS : rencontre entre chimie et biologie"

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Chris Bowler
Ecole normale supérieure
Directeur de recherche

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Institutions : Ecole normale supérieure-PSL

Cursus :

Chris Bowler est directeur de recherche CNRS à l’Institut de Biologie de l’Ens et coordinateur scientifique de l'expédition scientifique «TARA OCEANS». Il a reçu la Médaille d’argent 2010 du CNRS.

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Dernière mise à jour : 10/03/2023