Conférence traitant de l'« Education Design » organisée le 27 janvier 2012 par PM Conseil, Cap Digital, Microsoft, Groupe Compas et RSLN :
“We are wary of claims that polarize the divide between so-called “digital natives” (people born after 1980) and what Marc Prensky refers to as “digital immigrants” (people born and raised in the pre-digital era). This said, we are also witnessing an unprecedented cultural shift, or epistemic mutation, the symptoms of which are only magnified in today’s youth’s genres of engagement. We call the changes “epistemic” because they question how pre-digital cultures have come to define what it means to be knowledgeable, creative, and literate, and what it takes to become so. Question is: How deep are these changes running and to what extent do they reflect and shape how today’s children and youth play, learn, and create?” Edith Ackermann
“It has become commonplace to refer to young people as “digital
natives”, because of their apparent fluency with digital technologies.
And, indeed, many young people are very comfortable sending text
messages, playing online games, and browsing the web. But does that
really make them fluent with new technologies? Although young people
interact with digital media all of the time, few of them can create
their own games, animations, or simulations. It’s as if they can “read”
but not “write”.” Mitchel Resnick
Cursus :
Edith Ackermann est professeure honoraire de psychologie du développement à l'Université d'Aix-Marseille. Actuellement chercheuse invitée à l'Institut de Technologie du Massachusetts et de l'Université de Sienne, elle enseigne aux étudiants des cycles supérieurs, mène des recherches, et consulte pour les entreprises, les institutions et organisations intéressées par les intersections entre l'apprentissage, enseignement, conception et technologies numériques.
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Cursus :
Mitchel Resnick est professeur au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) et directeur du laboratoire Lifelong Kindergarten. Il étudie et développe de nouvelles méthodes d'apprentissage. A cet effet son groupe de recherche propose une variété d'outils éducatifs qui utilisent les technologies numériques.
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