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Open questions in condensed matter: strategies for the future
mercredi 01 février 2012

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Conférence donnée dans le cadre de l'inauguration de l’Institut de Physique Théorique Philippe Meyer, créé en février 2012 au Département de physique de l’Ecole normale supérieure. Cet institut a pour but de promouvoir la recherche en physique théorique et de participer à la formation de jeunes théoriciens par l’organisation de conférences et d’échanges scientifiques internationaux, et par des contrats post-doctoraux.

Thierry Giamarchi pose comme point de départ le fait de "Comprendre, prédire et contrôler "les propriétés de la matière, ce qui suppose à la fois des implications théoriques et appliquées ( dans les ordinateurs, les téléphones moblies, les écrans plats, les IRM).

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Thierry Giamarchi
Université de Genève - Département de physique

Plus sur cet auteur
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Cursus :

Thierry Giamarchi graduated from Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris and received his PhD from Paris XI University in 1987. He has been a permanent member of the french CNRS since 1986, and between 1990-1992 was a postdoc/visitor at Bell Laboratories. In 2002 he moved as a full professor to the Condensed Matter Department at the University of Geneva.
His research work deals with the effects of interactions in low dimensional quantum systems, such as Luttinger liquids, and on the effects of disorder in classical and quantum systems with works showing the existence of novel disordered phases such as the Bose glass and the Bragg glass. He received in 2000 the Abragam prize from the french Academy of Sciences.
He is the author of about 160 publications, 10 chapters of books, and one monograph ``Quantum physics in one dimension'' with Oxford.
He is a referee for many journals and funding organizations, has been an editor of Europhysics letters and has been recognized as an ``Outstanding Referee'' by the APS.
He has also served on the board of several scientific institutions such as the CNRS theory comity and the ``Les Houches school'' administrative board.

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Dernière mise à jour : 18/05/2012