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Exposés (8)  Titre        Date 
Redrawing the lines between language and graphics
Neil Cohn
Conférence de Neil Cohn (Tilburg University) dans le cadre du Colloquium du département d'Etudes Cognitives de l'ENS-PSL. Graphic and verbal communication are typically thought to work in very different ways. While speech uses a conventionalized v...
Catégories : Colloquium du DEC
Mots-clefs: Image, linguistique, graphisme, dessin, Bande dessinée, langage visuel, emoji, séquence, art, arts plastiques
What is special about eye contact ?
Laurence Conty
Conférence de Laurence Conty dans le cadre du colloqium du DEC. For the last 5 decades, eye contact effects have increasingly been attracting interest in the social sciences. Indeed, perceiving a face with a direct gaze (i.e. establishing eye contac...
Catégories : Colloquium du DEC
Mots-clefs: communication, perception visuelle, comportement, non-verbal, vision, regard, signification
Inner speech in action : EMG data during verbal thought and auditory verbal hallucination
Hélène Loevenbruck
Conférence de Hélène Loevenbruck.  Inner speech refers to the silent production of words in one’s mind. It plays a central role in human consciousness at the interplay of language and thought and it has been described as a kind of motor action. An i...
Catégories : Colloquium du DEC
Mots-clefs: Neurosciences, Langage, linguistique, perception auditive, pathologie, discours, schizophrénie, langage intérieur, silence, ...
Phonological Effects on the Acquisition of Grammatical Morphemes
Katherine Demuth
Conférence de Katherine Demuth Researchers have long observed that children’s early use of grammatical morphemes is highly variable. It is generally thought that this is due to incomplete syntactic or semantic representations. However, recent crossl...
Catégories : Colloquium du DEC
Mots-clefs: Langage, linguistique, enfant, apprentissage, Grammaire, sémantique, syntaxe, phonologie
L'homme simplifié
Jean-Michel Besnier
Conférence donnée lors des Jeudis de l’histoire et de la philosophie des sciences 2012-2013, organisés par le département de philosophie.Exposé de Jean-Michel Besnier L’individualisme n’est pas forcément une vertu, loin s’en faut. Les sociétés démoc...
Catégories : Les jeudis de l'HPS
Mots-clefs: Langage, société, communication, individualisme, comportement, Nouvelles technologies, non-verbal, humanité, internet, ...
Natural Pedagogy
Gergely Csibra, György Gergely
"Ostensive communication evolved as a species-unique form of epistemic cooperation in humans. Communication can induce epistemic gain both by means of ostensive reference to relevant episodic information about a particular referent (when the relevanc...
Catégories : Conférences Jean -Nicod 2011
Mots-clefs: communication, enfant, pédagogie, transmission, pédagogie naturelle
Being Addressed
Gergely Csibra, György Gergely
"In order to learn from others by communication, human infants must interpret certain acts as communicative in nature. We propose that there are at least two ways by which infants are prepared to receive information from others. First, they possess ...
Catégories : Conférences Jean -Nicod 2011
Mots-clefs: Langage, communication, enfant, pédagogie, non-verbal, verbal
Non-Verbal Generics
Gergely Csibra, György Gergely
"Non-verbal demonstratives, like pointing to something or showing something up, pick out their referents as particular objects or sets of objects individuated by spatial means. Despite of this, we have repeatedly found in studies with human infants, ...
Catégories : Conférences Jean -Nicod 2011
Mots-clefs: communication, non-verbal

Auteurs (6)
György Gergely
Central European University
Gergely Csibra
Central European University
Sylvie Lannegrand
National University of Ireland, Galway, Irlande
Hélène Loevenbruck
Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition, Grenoble