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The Science of Hurricane Sandy
vendredi 21 juin 2013

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Exposé de Adam Sobel, professeur invité du département de Géosciences, sur l'ouragan Sandy survenu en octobre 2012 dans l'océan Atlantique Nord.

Hurricane Sandy - or "Superstorm Sandy", as it was renamed by some because of its transition from a tropical cyclone to an extratropical one - caused unprecedented damage to New York City and the surrounding areas when its storm surge washed over the coast. I will address some of the many scientific questions raised by Sandy. What kind of storm was it ? How well was it predicted ? How rare an event was it - was it a 50-year, 100-year, or 1000-year storm ? What do we know about storms like this, and what don’t we know ? Can we expect more such storms in the future, and what should we do to prepare ?

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Adam Sobel
Columbia University, New-York

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Cursus :

Adam Sobel est professeur de Géophysique à l'Université Columbia de New-York.

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Dernière mise à jour : 05/09/2013