Conférence donnée par Robin Rollinger dans le cadre du Séminaire "Emotions et Volitions" coordonné par Natalie Depraz et Maria Gyemant
Dans le cadre de l’ANR EMCO-EMphiline
En interaction avec l’Atelier de traduction de textes extraits des Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins de Edmund Husserl des Archives Husserl de Paris
According to Anton Marty’s philosophy of language, there are certain linguistic expressions which are used in speech ( Rede ) in order to express the emotional or volitional acts of the speaker and also to prompt acts of the same kind in the listener. He calls linguistic expressions of this kind “emotives” and contrasts them not only with synsemantica (signs which have meaning only in connection with others), but also with two other kinds of autosemantica (signs which have meaning on their own), namely presentation-suggestives (Vorstellungssuggestive) and statements (Aussagen). Marty’s conception of the three classes of autosemantica is of course based on Franz Brentano’s threefold division of intentionally directed acts of consciousness, although Marty diverges from Brentano in conceiving of special objective correlates of emotions and volitions called “states of value” ( Wertverhalte ), which in an important sense are the meanings (Bedeutungen) of emotives. In this lecture Marty’s views on emotives will be elaborated on with particular emphasis on their epistemological and ontological implications in opposition to Brentano’s mature position on the same matters.
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Le professeur Robin Rollinger de l'Université de Prague est spécialiste de la phénoménologie, philosophie autrichienne, psychologie et philosophie du 19e siècle.
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