Conférence donnée dans le cadre de la table ronde "Monnaies et économies
au 19e siècle" à l'occasion du programme ANR DANIM (La Dépréciation de
l’Argent Monétaire et les relations Internationales) en partenariat avec
le Labex TransferS.
Coordination : Georges Depeyrot, Chargé de recherches au CNRS.
Exposé de Ekaterina Svirina sur l'histoire économique de la Russie au 19ème siècle.
Russian Empire in the 19th century is a controversial and ambiguous phenomenon. The apparently rich state was in fact institutionally and economically weak. However in spite of legislative, economic and financial disorder there still existed long-term course of the state, represented by monetary laws. The studied period comprises the years between 1801-1855 (the reign of two emperors - Alexander I (1801-1825), Nicholas I (1825-1855)), during which serious legislative framework’s improvements were taking place. This period is also characterized by growing budget deficit, massive borrowing from abroad and large circulation of banknotes along with silver and cooper coins. The first aim of the research is to deduce from the released monetary acts and manifests, a long-term goal, and prove it to be the achievement of the silver standard, as well as to formulate the short-term goals of the authorities. Out of numerous officials initiating loose monetary acts stand two most influential historical figures – Speransky in 1810) and Kankrin (in 1839) were strongly supporting the silver standard in Russia. The second aim is to analyze whether the reforms were adequate enough for the silver standard to be established, taking into account the corresponding economic and financial situation. The final task is to follow the implementation of the silver standard during the chosen period.
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Cursus :
Après avoir été étudiante à l'Académie des finances du gouvernement russe (ancien Institut d'Etat des finances de Moscou), Svirina Ekaterina est doyenne associée aux travaux de recherche au Département des relations économiques de l’Université financière internationale auprès du Gouvernement de la Fédération de Russie.
Cliquer ICI pour fermerDernière mise à jour : 27/06/2012