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Use of phonetic detail in word learning
mardi 29 octobre 2013

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Conférence de Paola Escudero

I will present a series of recent studies showing the difficulties that adults and toddlers have with learning similar sounding words. An emphasis will be placed on the interrelation between sound perception and word learning/recognition and whether or not there is continuity across these two abilities. It will be shown that success in novel word learning depends on the learner’s linguistic background, the task, and the type of phonetic cues that distinguish the novel words.

Un colloquium du DEC

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Paola Escudero
Institut MARCS
maître de conférences

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Cursus :

Paola Escudero est maître de conférences à l'Institut MARCS et enseigne au sein de la linguistique majeur de la Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Communication Arts. Ses recherches portent sur ​​la perception auditive et visuelle dans diverses populations, y compris les nourrissons, les enfants et les adultes.

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