Conférence de Marie Coppola (University of Connecticut) dans le cadre du colloquium du Département d'études cognitives.
Dans son exposé, Marie Coppola revient sur l'impact de l'expérience du langage sur le développement de la représentation des nombres chez les enfants sourds et mal-entendants :
Previous research has shown that deaf individuals who do not have access to conventional sign or spoken language have difficulty exactly representing quantities larger than 4 (Spaepen, et al. 2011). Internationally, Deaf and hard of hearing students typically lag behind their hearing classmates in mathematics achievement. There is a pressing need to ensure that these students learn mathematics and are able to advance academically with equal access to science and mathematics education. Recent research suggests that early language development affects young children's cognitive representations of numbers and their number vocabulary. A delay in language exposure, which occurs for more than 90% of children who are deaf or hard of hearing, may negatively impact number development. It is also unknown whether children who acquire sign language early in life follow similar trajectories of development as do hearing children. I will report on the early stages of research examining how language experiences affects the development of number representations, symbols and words. Project activities will also include studies about how parents and children can be trained to improve number learning. Results are expected to provide information to parents, educators and researchers about how to help deaf or hard of hearing children learn number concepts to promote mathematical development. I will also discuss recent and ongoing research in our lab examining the effects of severe language deprivation on social cognition and executive functioning. These results will have implications for theory as well as for practice.
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Cursus :
Marie Coppola est professeur à l'University of Connecticut.
Elle étudie l'acquisition du langage et les créations de langage de même que les relations entre le langage et la cognition, comme le révèlent les individus sourds dont l'expérience avec le langage diffère de celle des individus qui ne sont pas sourds.
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